![]() |
French gas attack on German lines Belgium, 1916 (EyewitnesstoHistory.com) |
- Use at least 3 different sources to get information
- Attach a list of these sources to the back of your display.
- At least one source should be a book or an online database.
- If you take a sentence or a phrase directly from a book or the internet, you must put it in quotes and write (next to it) where you got it from!
- For example: "Unrestricted submarine warfare was a result of desperation and the belief that the ferocity of such a tactic might just keep America out of the war..." (History Learning Site)
- Don't forget the dates of the war: 1914-1918!
Go to the LAUSD Digital Library.
From there, search the following databases:
- Facts on File
- Britannica Online (Encyclopedia)
- Worldbook Encyclopedia
- Salem Press -- History
Website Ideas:
FirstWorldWar.com (Flamethrowers, machine guns, tanks, airplanes, poison gas)
- A professor's analysis of FirstWorldWar.com: ("I would not allow my students to use the Feature Articles in a paper. But I will link to both sites from my class Web sites, and I will refer to both on a regular basis for my own teaching and research.")
EyeWitness to History Website (Eyewitness accounts -- gas, u-boat, trenches, tanks, etc. You can get quotes from people who were actually there!)
- not an academic source, cannot be cited in college papers
- in high school, Wikipedia can somtimes be used for informal projects/assignments
- good to use as a starting point, for an overview of topic
- scroll down to bottom, and check the notes, references, and other links for other sources
Specific Ideas for where to look (databases and websites):
Medical Advancements:
Air University
Speech/Lecture on Sanitation & Hygiene from 1918
Look at second-to-last paragraph on this page
Machine Guns:
Encyclopedia Britannica (scroll down to submachine gun)
Another Encyclopedia Britannica article
Encyclopedia Britannica
for how airplanes were constructed/made:
-Go to pg. 14 here!
-Check out the model - CFS2 AB-Roland D.VIb
- acepilots.com
history learning site
Poison Gas:
History Learning Site
ABC-CLIO database (under biological & chemical warfare)
Encyclopedia Britannica (don't forget to scroll down to the World War I section)
unrestricted submarine warfare
For the bigger picture (in case you're interested), a Library of Congress essay: The Increasing Power of Destruction: Military Technology in World War I
Would you trust a webpage written by high school students? (Brief info about tanks, gas, & flamethrowers.)
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